






#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#Persistent ; Only the user can kill the application
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
StringCaseSense, On ; Match strings with case.
SetFormat, FloatFast, 0.2
; ---------------------------------------
; Created by mcpower - modified by Clif4D
; 2014/12/11 modified by kiki kotori
; ---------------------------------------
MouseMovePixels := 5 ; How many pixels you have to move. Edit this if you want.
IfWinActive, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass ; May save CPU usage when copying stuff outside of PoE. Hasn't been tested.
        ItemLevel := ""
        Name := ""
        Type := ""
        Quality := 0
        AttackSpeed := 0
        PhysicalDamageLow := 0
        PhysicalDamageHigh := 0
        IncreasedPhysicalDamage := 0
        FireDamageLow := 0
        FireDamageHigh := 0
        ColdDamageLow := 0
        ColdDamageHigh := 0
        LightningDamageLow := 0
        LightningDamageHigh := 0
        ChaosDamageLow := 0
        ChaosDamageHigh := 0
        ;ElementalDamageLow := 0
        ;ElementalDamageHigh := 0
        Armour := 0
        EvasionRating := 0
        EnergyShield := 0
        Loop, parse, Clipboard, `n, `r          ; Goes through a loop with the lines of text found in the clipboard
                if (A_Index = 1)
                        IfNotInString, A_Loopfield, Rarity:             ; Starts a check whether it has "Rarity:" in the first line, otherwise exit
                else if (A_Index = 2)
                        Name := A_Loopfield
                else if (A_Index = 3)
                        Type := A_Loopfield
                else if (!ItemLevel && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Itemlevel: (\d*)", SubPat))
                        ItemLevel := SubPat1
                else if (!Quality && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Quality: \+(\d*)\%", SubPat))
                        Quality := SubPat1/100
                else if (!AttackSpeed && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Attacks per Second: (\d\.\d*)", SubPat))
                        AttackSpeed     := SubPat1
                else if (!PhysicalDamageLow && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Physical Damage: (\d*)-(\d*)", SubPat))
                        PhysicalDamageLow := SubPat1
                        PhysicalDamageHigh := SubPat2
                else if (!IncreasedPhysicalDamage && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "(\d*)\% increased Physical Damage", SubPat))
                        IncreasedPhysicalDamage := SubPat1/100
                else if (!FireDamageLow && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Adds (\d*)-(\d*) Fire Damage", SubPat))
                        FireDamageLow := SubPat1
                        FireDamageHigh := SubPat2
                else if (!ColdDamageLow && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Adds (\d*)-(\d*) Cold Damage", SubPat))
                        ColdDamageLow := SubPat1
                        ColdDamageHigh := SubPat2
                else if (!LightningDamageLow && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Adds (\d*)-(\d*) Lightning Damage", SubPat))
                        LightningDamageLow := SubPat1
                        LightningDamageHigh := SubPat2
                else if (!ChaosDamageLow && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Adds (\d*)-(\d*) Chaos Damage", SubPat))
                        ChaosDamageLow := SubPat1
                        ChaosDamageHigh := SubPat2
                else if (!Armour && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Armour: (\d*)", SubPat))
                        Armour:= SubPat1
                else if (!EvasionRating && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Evasion Rating: (\d*)", SubPat))
                        EvasionRating:= SubPat1
                else if (!EnergyShield && RegExMatch(A_Loopfield, "Energy Shield: (\d*)", SubPat))
                        EnergyShield:= SubPat1
        if (!ItemLevel) ; If we didn't get the itemlevel...
        if (AttackSpeed) ; It's a weapon
                pDPS := (PhysicalDamageLow + PhysicalDamageHigh)/2*AttackSpeed
                q20pDPS := ( round((round((PhysicalDamageLow)/(1+IncreasedPhysicalDamage+Quality))*(1+IncreasedPhysicalDamage+0.2))) + round((round((PhysicalDamageHigh)/(1+IncreasedPhysicalDamage+Quality))*(1+IncreasedPhysicalDamage+0.2))) ) /2*AttackSpeed
                eDPS := (FireDamageLow + FireDamageHigh + ColdDamageLow + ColdDamageHigh + LightningDamageLow + LightningDamageHigh)/2*AttackSpeed
                chaosDPS := (ChaosDamageLow + ChaosDamageHigh)/2*AttackSpeed
                DPS := pDPS + eDPS + chaosDPS
                q20DPS := q20pDPS + eDPS + chaosDPS
                Attack := "DPS: " DPS " / " q20DPS "`n"
                if (pDPS)
                        Attack := Attack " Physical: " pDPS " / " q20pDPS "`n"
                if (eDPS)
                        Attack := Attack " Elemental: " eDPS "`n"
                if (chaosDPS)
                        Attack := Attack " Chaos: " chaosDPS "`n"
                ToolTip,Item Level: %ItemLevel%`n%Attack%
        else if(Armour or EvasionRating or EnergyShield)
                Defense := ""
                if (Armour)
                        Defense := Defense "Armour: " Armour "/" round(round(Armour/(1+Quality))*1.2) "`n"
                if (EvasionRating)
                        Defense := Defense "Evasion Rating: " EvasionRating "/" round(round(EvasionRating/(1+Quality))*1.2) "`n"
                if (EnergyShield)
                        Defense := Defense "Energy Shield: " EnergyShield "/" round(round(EnergyShield/(1+Quality))*1.2) "`n"
                ToolTip,Item Level: %ItemLevel%`n%Defense%
                ToolTip,Item Level: %ItemLevel%
        ;// Output Console
        BlockInput On
        Send {LButton}
        Send {Enter}
        Sleep 2
        Send /itemlevel
        Send {Enter}
        Sleep, 200
        Send {LButton}
        BlockInput Off

        MouseGetPos, X, Y ; Stores the mouse position when the tooltip was displayed
        Increment := 0 ; Sets the variable to increment
        SetTimer, TimerTick, 100
MouseMovePixels = 50 ; How many pixels you have to move. Edit this if you want.
Increment += 1 ; When it hits 75 (7.5 sec), it removes the tool tip just in case of it screwing up
MouseGetPos, currentX, currentY ; Used for the below expression
if ((X - CurrentX)**2 + (Y - CurrentY)**2 > MouseMovePixels**2 or Increment >= 75) {
        SetTimer, TimerTick, Off ; When the mouse moves MouseMovePixels pixels, it stops the tooltip.
RemoveTooltip: ; exactly what it says on the tin


左クリック(アイテムをつかむ) → Enterキー → /itemlevel → Enterキー → 左クリック(アイテムを放す)




